There are 3 types of foreign exchange rate risk which generally
categorized into the following three distinct types: transaction exposure,
economic exposure, and translation exposure. These exposures pose risks to
firms' cash flows, competitiveness, market value, and financial reporting.
Transaction exposure
A firm has transaction exposure whenever it has contractual cash
flows (receivables and payables) whose values are subject to unanticipated
changes in exchange rates due to a contract being denominated in a foreign
currency. To realize the domestic value of its foreign-denominated cash flows,
the firm must exchange foreign currency for domestic currency. As firms
negotiate contracts with set prices and delivery dates in the face of a
volatile foreign exchange market with exchange rates constantly fluctuating,
the firms face a risk of changes in the exchange rate between the foreign and
domestic currency. Firms generally become exposed as a direct result of
activities such as importing and exporting or borrowing and investing.Exchange
rates may move by up to 10% within any single year, which can significantly
affect a firm's cash flows, meaning a 10% decline in the value of a receivable
or a 10% rise in the value of a payable. Such outcomes could be troublesome as
export profits could be negated entirely or import costs could rise
Economic exposure
A firm has economic exposure (also known as operating
exposure) to the degree that its market value is influenced by unexpected
exchange rate fluctuations. Such exchange rate adjustments can severely affect
the firm's position with regards to its competitors, the firm's future cash
flows, and ultimately the firm's value. Economic exposure can affect the present
value of future cash flows. Any transaction that exposes the firm to foreign
exchange risk also exposes the firm economically, but economic exposure can be caused
by other business activities and investments which may not be mere
international transactions, such as future cash flows from fixed assets. A
shift in exchange rates that influences the demand for a good in some country
would also be an economic exposure for a firm that sells that good.
Translation exposure
A firm's translation exposure is the extent to which its
financial reporting is affected by exchange rate movements. As all firms
generally must prepare consolidated financial statements for reporting
purposes, the consolidation process for multinationals entails translating
foreign assets and liabilities or the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries
from foreign to domestic currency. While translation exposure may not affect a
firm's cash flows, it could have a significant impact on a firm's reported
earnings and therefore its stock price.Translation exposure is distinguished
from transaction risk as a result of income and losses from various types of
risk having different accounting treatments. Translation gives special
consideration to assets and liabilities with regards to foreign exchange risk,
whereas exposures to revenues and expenses can often be managed ex ante
by managing transactional exposures when cash flows take place.
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