Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Japans Economy - Hamad Mohamed

Currently Japan is the third largest economy in the world, and its currency is Yen.  Japan’s GPD per Capita was 34,739$ in 2011. According to the World Bank currently the population of japan is 127,817,277 which is the 10th largest population in the world.  Japan has a low infant mortality rate and high life expectancy.

After the Second World War the economy of japan has grown tremendously. However, in the 1990’s the economy kind off slowed down due to some issues in the banking sector related to the interest rates which caused liquidity problems that eventually led to stagflation. In order to fight the stagflation, interest rates where decreased to almost zero but still the problem wasn’t solved. Until today interest rates in japan are considered to be the lowest in the developed world.

The economy of japan mostly depends on manufacturing.  It is the third largest automobile manufacturing country, and it is known for its inventions, they are a leading country in robotics and technology. As they are leading and developed in certain fields they exported almost 788 Billion$ in 2011. Their imports for the same year was 808.4Billion$ mostly of petroleum and natural gas. Japan also has nuclear power as source of energy but lately because of the tsunami and all the radiation leaks they are planning to shut down their nuclear reactors.

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